Sunday, March 30, 2014


Since in the Church it's Laetare Sunday, and in New York State it's Maple Weekend, and in Malone it's still snowing, I decided today was the day to attempt to recreate a taste from my childhood and make maple syrup dumplings.  It's been quite a few years now, but my grandmother would make these once each year at this time for the extended family, and always pair their rich, super-sweet goodness together with her famously sour pickles.  I had just a few of her pickles left in the jar...and that's what got me to thinkin'.  I found a recipe online (not sure how close it is to my Memère's).  They sure smelled right--warm maple sugar filling the air--and tasted pretty darn good, too, but they came out a little darker than I recall them.  (Of course, as I said, it's been a long time!)  Very, very tasty, all the same...

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